Flower Essence FAQ’s
Flower essences are made by imprinting the positive energy of flowers into water and are a very natural way to help you balance your emotions.
They do not contain any part of the flower and have no smell.
Essences are usually preserved by alcohol, traditionally brandy but modern producers use their own preference of high-quality alcohol. I use vodka.
Essences can be created with the energy of flowers, fungi, fallen leaves, moss, gems, sound, colour, stars, special occasions, pristine environments, the channelled energy of animals and birds (no live beings are used or harmed in any way), angels, gods & goddesses, elements, to name but a few. So you may see the terms Gem Essence, Sound Essence, Environmental Essence explaining the way in which the essence was made.
‘Vibrational’ is a term that can be used for any type of essence and refers to the fact that energy vibrates.
An essence reminds the body of its inherent state of harmony. Often this leads to the release of negative energy in the form of unprocessed emotions or memories that were stored away because they weren’t fully processed at the time. This release may come as an ‘Aha’ moment or brief memory, which should be acknowledged and let go.
Your body will only ever release what you can process.
I highly recommend using a journal to help you gain the most benefit from using essences. You will develop increased self awareness and clarity on changes you wish to make.
Apple cider vinegar or glycerine can be used as preservatives, though this will reduce the shelf-life of the bottle to approximately 6 weeks.
Alternatively, the bottle can be made without any preserver and kept in the fridge with a shorter shelf life.
If the liquid looks cloudy or has floating matter, it is best disposed of.
Drops under the tongue – tip your head back and squeeze drops under your tongue while holding the pipette away from your mouth.
Drops in any beverage.
Drops in a bottle of water to be sipped through the day.
If you touch the pipette with your fingers or mouth, disinfect it with spirit alcohol or boiling water before it is returned to the bottle. Germs can cause the essence to spoil which can result in cloudiness or floating matter. If this occurs, the bottle should be disposed of.
Flower essences have no known contraindications. However, it is best to seek advice from your health care specialist prior to using any alternative natural products.
You will be asked about health conditions, prescription medicines and any other supplements during your consultation.
Please email me with any queries you have about using flower essences whilst taking prescription medication.