Experience a more positive midlife & menopause
with Flower Essences
Flower Essences to Transform Midlife & Menopause
The changes of midlife & menopause stir up all the feelings that have been repressed throughout life’s journey, leading to big emotional swings, outbursts and turmoil.
Flower essences can transform menopause by helping to gently let go of the emotional explosiveness, leaving calm, acceptance, understanding, positivity and joy.
Flower essences invite us to blossom and flourish,
just like the flowers.

What are flower essences?
Flower essences are the energy of flowers, held in water and preserved with a small amount of alcohol. They are taken as drops straight onto the tongue or in water. They contain no part of the plant and don’t smell.
What they DO to transform menopause is truly magical!
For they help us bloom in our uniqueness by letting go of the negative patterns that hold us back and keep us small.
No matter the emotional situation you find yourself, a bespoke blend of flower essences will gently guide you to your desired outcome.
Here are some of the ways flower essences can help you transform your midlife & menopause experience…
Flower Essence Consultations to help you transform your midlife & menopause experience.
A mini consultation is suitable if you are new to flower essences.
A package of 3 consultations are great to address an issue that is troubling you.
My Beautiful Life Journey is for you if you truly wish to transform through your midlife & menopause experience.
If you have any further questions please read the FAQ or contact me for a free 20-minute consultation.
Client Feedback
I am a full-time professional artist which sounds wonderful, but I assure you. does not come without its challenges. There are times when everything flows: the ideas, the successful paintings, the opportunities…But sometimes I come across a block and nothing works any more.Rebecca is a wonderful, compassionate and intuitive person and the flower essences she prepares for me help to release these blocks, allowing me to fly.
I was very interested in the effect that the Flower Essences had on me – I could hardly believe how different they made me feel and how many things seemed more possible. Emotionally my life had always been very turbulent and suddenly I was feeling calm and able to cope with the issues that came my way. I found it extraordinary. I still do.
My mind feels clearer and my emotions seem far steadier.
Even during this time of deep stress – the Pandemic – I’m finding that I’m living very much in the moment and not worrying about the future.
I found Rebecca not long after my life had changed greatly – the work which was central to my existence had had to end because of my husband’s sudden serious health issues which meant I was now a carer; I had moved house and area; my children were going to university and leaving home. I felt totally lost and very overwhelmed. After a course of flower essences, I feel so much better equipped to deal with the issues that come my way. I’ve even become confident enough to take up art again after many years.
I used to doubt my ability to follow my dream of a house build to its conclusion. It felt too much for me to handle. I used to spend months feeling stuck, but since using flower essences I can turn my thinking around in days sometimes even just a day! After working with Rebecca I feel strong, capable and even when I’m challenged I know I can get through it and make a positive outcome.
I am so glad I decided to work with Rebecca because she provided a very safe environment for me to tap into my own intuitive healing potential and enabled me to choose the essences I required. I loved the creative way she facilitated this process and felt encouraged and confident to continue my path to well-being and self-acceptance.