Bowl of Light
Create a bowl of sparkling light in your heart, to dispel negativity and darkness.
Are you aware of the beauty of light? Maybe the sun transiting the sky in one of its many phases through the day, moonlight, starlight, sparkles on water or the light refracted by crystals and gems. Do you consciously absorb the energy of light? Feel it enliven your energy system, lift your spirits and lighten your heart and mood? Do you share your light with others by sending them love and goodwill?
This essence will enable you to develop your ability to receive, process and ground light, whether you are new to the idea or practiced at the art.
The Hawaiian tale of the Bowl of Light is a beautiful narrative that says we each come into life with a bowl of light, but at times of negativity of thought or deed, a pebble is placed into the bowl, displacing some of the light. After a while the bowl becomes quite dim because it is full of pebbles. With awareness of the negative patterns it is possible to turn out the pebbles and start again with a full bowl of light and the creation of a more positive way of being. However, without awareness we become dull and lifeless, caught in our patterns of negativity.
Instructions for use:
- Download pdf’s – ‘Start’ and ‘End’ score sheets + journal prompts.
- Complete the ‘Start score sheet’ and transfer the descriptions of the issues to the ‘End score sheet’.
- Start using the essence – 2 drops (not 2 full droppers) twice a day under the tongue or in a drink of choice, until you have finished the bottle.
- Work with the journal prompts while you are using the essence. These will help increase self awareness of the issues you wish to address.
- When you have finished the bottle, complete the ‘End score sheet’ and compare your score with the ‘Start score sheet’.
- Read through your journal and note what has changed for you while using the essence over the past 4-6 weeks.