Winter’s Gift


This awesome combination essence helps reframe the winter blues.
  • Reframe your thoughts of winter and learn acceptance of the season.
  • Make best use of this very valuable time.
  • Ditch your resistance to slowing down and learn how to match your energy to Mother Nature’s.

Contains: Bowl of Light, Mahonia and Winter Jasmine flower essences, water and vodka 23%ABV in a 10ml bottle.

Click here for instructions on how to use essences

*Important – Once your order is complete, please check your inbox for the downloadable prompts, if you do not receive this within 15 minutes please check your junk/spam or contact me.


Winter’s Gift

Let this awesome combination of essences help you experience winter in a new way.

‘Winter’s Gift’ can help you ditch your resistance to slowing down and embrace Mother Nature’s quiet time for journalling, planning, learning and looking objectively at yourself and your life. This is the perfect time for sowing the seeds of what you wish to grow in your life and work through the next three seasons.

Create awareness of your inner voice. What it is saying about the weather and how it affects you. Whether you are in agreement to the negative voices of others. See the beauty of the season and allow this to positively change how you speak to yourself about winter.

Embrace the true beauty of winter.

  • Bowl of Light – enables you to connect with and integrate light, so that you can create your own inner light source for the long dark months.
  • Mahonia – is like giggles in a bottle, bringing lightness of mood in place of the heaviness of depression.
  • Winter Jasmine – is the true ‘gift’ of this essence. For it is this beautiful yellow flower that teaches you to flow with the season of winter, to hush your busy do-ings and replace with be-ing and dreaming.

Instructions for use:

  1. Download pdf’s – ‘Start’ and ‘End’ score sheets + journal prompts.
  2. Complete the ‘Start score sheet’ and transfer the descriptions of the issues to the ‘End score sheet’.
  3. Start using the essence – 2 drops (not 2 full droppers) twice a day under the tongue or in a drink of choice, until you have finished the bottle.
  4. Work with the journal prompts while you are using the essence. These will help increase self awareness of the issues you wish to address.
  5. When you have finished the bottle, complete the ‘End score sheet’ and compare your score with the ‘Start score sheet’.
  6. Read through your journal and note what has changed for you while using the essence over the past 4-6 weeks.

See FAQ if you would like to know more about using essences.

Book a Return to Centre session if you would like to further clarify your transformation.

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