Personal development with flower essences can be an incredible experience. They can enable the release of old stories, habits and ways of thinking that no longer serves us, providing space to embrace positive new ways of being.
As human beings we have the choice of improving our personalities, so that we can become better people. By embracing the shadow side of our personality (ego) and practicing self love, self forgiveness and self compassion, we are able to learn to live from the heart (instead of the mind) and feel complete. We no longer need to look outside of ourselves to fill the empty gap created by the ego mind.
The following are some examples of situations where essences can help:
- Quieting the busy mind, thus creating awareness of, and control over, the ego mind.
- Reframing the fears of the ego mind, allowing positive change and growth.
- Helping develop awareness of the movement of energy within the body. This energy is what the ego mind names as emotions. With awareness, you can learn to observe these energy movements. This will help develop the ability to move from ‘associating as the emotion’ to ‘feeling, observing and processing the emotion’.
- Teaching how to live from the peace of the heart, instead of the chaos and confusion of the mind.
- Helping us to find flow and ease in our lives. Thus reframing any feelings of lack around time and achievement.
What are flower essences?
Flower essences are the positive energy of flowers, held in water and preserved with high quality alcohol (brandy, vodka, gin). They come in dinky little bottles with a pipette, and are taken as drops under the tongue or in a drink. They are non-addictive, with no known contraindications and safe to take by everyone. There are many types of essences other than flowers: gems, star, moon, environmental, channelled, angel, mushroom, to name but a few. All work by gently guiding the body to recognise positive energy. This enables the release of unprocessed, negative emotions stored by the body, which in turn, creates space for the development of new positive ways of feeling, thinking and acting.
How can you catalyse personal development with flower essences?
According to Skills You Need ‘…personal development is a lifelong process. It is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realise and maximise their potential’. No matter how one undertakes personal development (coaching, books or courses) there is a risk that resistance may hamper progress, even create an insurmountable brick wall.
A personally tailored combination of essences will melt resistance by creating awareness of the stories behind it. With the removal of resistance, personal development is far easier and more successful. Goals can be reached and potential maximised when essences are used to support emotional development.
How do flower essences catalyse spiritual growth?
Spiritual growth is described by Life Coach Expert as ‘…. reaching out to and connecting with your inner soul and is a method of becoming more harmonious with life around us, develops our own feelings of inner power and strength and leads us to live happier lives and to take more responsibility for our own actions‘.
Unprocessed emotions are stored in the body.
Our bodies store the emotions that we fail to fully process, creating areas of negative energy. These may show up as aches and pains, or areas that are repeatedly damaged. Essences provide the opposite (positive) energy, allowing the release of that which is stuck, creating harmony in the body. Within the release of old emotions, are opportunities to reflect, understand and grow. Cultivating harmony within, enables the creation of harmony without, through balanced relations with others.
Essences can be matched to individual emotional imbalances, such as impatience, anger, fear, despair, helping the individual to create a better personality. This enables the ego self to relax its hold over the mind (because negative behaviours have reduced, even ceased), calming thinking and providing the space to drop into the peace of the heart. From this place life is altered. Acceptance becomes the norm. Every experience and conversation is an opportunity for learning about self and the nature of being human. We become soul led, no longer ego driven.
Become an impartial observer.
Learning to understand who we are from the context of self (instead of feedback from others), our emotions (how to observe and process them effectively) and why the experiences of childhood create the blocks and emotional problems of adulthood (and how to release them) is a lifelong journey. Once embarked upon, this journey becomes a beautiful raison d’etre for being alive. It enables us to become kind, loving, compassionate and empathetic, to change the world around us through shining our personal light, without ego.
Flower (and other) essences can be used on their own to assist personal development or spiritual growth. As a flower essence practitioner, I can create a special blend of essences tailored to your needs.
Book a free 15 minute chat here if you would like to find out how flower essences can help you.